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Booking cancellation and Refund Policy for booking amount

Customers can cancel a vehicle booked until they make final nett payment to the dealership. When the final nett payment has been made by the customer to the selected dealership, either online or physically at dealership, no cancellation shall be permitted.

On cancellation of a successful booking, a cancellation charge shall be levied. The cancellation charge would depend on the selected vehicle and would be displayed at the time of booking as well as during cancellation of a booking. Chetak Technology Ltd./Bajaj Auto Ltd. and its dealerships reserves the right to revise the cancellation charges without prior notice or communication.

Booking cancellations made within 89 days from the date of booking, would get auto refunded through the online system in same mode of payment used for booking after deduction of applicable cancellation charges.

In the event of booking cancellation within 89 days from the date of booking, the refund is usually processed within 7 working days by the issuer bank in the same mode of payment as used while making a booking. If the refund is not processed by the issuer bank, customer shall follow up with their bank directly with the details shared through email by the payment gateway partner.If the customer seeks to cancel the booking after 89 days from the date of booking, refund shall be manually processed by the dealership and customer shall be required to follow up directly with the selected dealership at which the Booking was made. In such situation, refund shall be given manually by the Dealership and shall not be processed through the online system or under the terms and conditions herein, save and except for cancellation charges.

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